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Top 3 Things to Consider Before Relocating for a New Practice

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Aug 23, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Accepting a job in a new place can be incredibly exciting! We’ve talked about perfect summer locations, Southwest scenes and other places across the country worth visiting. But when it comes to making a permanent move, we know it can get complicated. In fact, sometimes it doesn’t work out.

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Dear Locum Tenens Clinicians… Hats Off to You!

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Aug 16, 2017 11:30:00 AM

Dear Locum Tenens Clinicians,

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

-Pablo Picasso 

This first ever National Locum Tenens Week, the team at VISTA wishes to extend a sincere and tremendous thank-you to locum tenens physicians and advanced practitioners everywhere.

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Got the Student Loan Blues? Pay Off Medical School Debt with Locum Tenens

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Aug 9, 2017 8:30:00 AM

What do almost all medical school graduates have in common? This isn’t a clever riddle. The answer is enormous debt.

In 2015, the average medical school debt balance for graduating physicians was $183,000. Added to the average undergraduate balance of $24,000, the total average student loan balance for a doctor was a staggering $207,000—and that number is no doubt even higher today.

Whether you’re just out of school or not, locum tenens can provide a great opportunity for physicians and advanced practice providers to pay down student loans and other debt. How does locum tenens work set you up for financial success? Three big ways.

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4 Reasons to Make the Southwest Your Next Locum Tenens Stomping Ground

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Aug 2, 2017 11:00:00 AM

What comes to mind when you think of the Southwestern United States? If it's desert expanse and scorching temperatures, you’re partly right—but there’s a lot more to take in. The Southwest includes Arizona and New Mexico as well as parts of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Texas. No matter where you’re from or where specifically you land, the Southwest has a lot to offer as a new escape with your next assignment as a locum tenens physician, PA or NP.

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With Locum Tenens, Life is More Interesting!

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jul 6, 2017 8:30:00 AM

The need for change. We’ve all felt it at some point or another—the urge to switch things up, or the suspicion that maybe the path we’re on isn’t a good fit. If you’re a physician or advanced practitioner and you’re feeling stuck, bored or just unsure, locum tenens may be exactly what you need.

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Approaching Retirement? Why Locum Tenens Makes a Great Transition

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jun 26, 2017 8:30:00 AM

If you’re nearing retirement or recently retired, congratulations! You’ve worked hard and planned for this next phase of life, and you deserve to spend it however you want. But maybe full retirement isn’t what you’re looking for just yet. Maybe you’re not quite ready to stop practicing… 

Locum tenens offers unique benefits for physicians and advanced practitioners that want to continue practicing medicine during or heading into retirement. We’ve got 5 reasons to consider semi-retirement with locum tenens: 

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Beat the Summer Heat—6 Places for Your Next Locum Tenens Assignment

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jun 19, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Ah, summer. Temperatures are climbing and vacation plans are being made across the country. It’s a great time to try out a new location and switch up your locum tenens scenery! 

Here’s a quick peek at six states for locum tenens physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners to investigate while the heat is on. These places are extremely cold for most of the year, so take advantage of the summer weather to enjoy and explore:

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Topics: Physicians

“Why Work with a Recruiter?” Your Locums Questions Answered

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jun 12, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Working with an established locum tenens staffing agency comes with a lot of benefits. But if you’re just starting out, it can also come with a lot of questions. Take it from clinicians like you! 

Here are some of the most common answers to questions about connecting with a locum tenens recruiter: 

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Topics: Physicians

Can You Connect with Patients as a Locum Tenens Clinician?

Posted by VISTA Staffing on May 30, 2017 8:30:00 AM

If you’re unfamiliar with locum tenens work, you might think that short-term assignments cannot lead to meaningful connections with patients. After all, you don’t see the same patients regularly—as you would in a permanent placement—and you might only see a patient one time. So how can a relationship be established, let alone a deep connection?

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Topics: Physicians

6 Life Lessons TV Doctors Taught Us

Posted by VISTA Staffing on May 24, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Hospitals, doctor’s offices and clinicians of television are not exactly true to life. But sometimes the themes shared on our favorite binge-worthy shows hit the nail on the head. Focus beyond the absurdities and McDreamy good looks and there’s something we can all learn, whether you actually practice medicine or not.

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About VISTA Staffing Solutions

VISTA Staffing Solutions has over thirty years of experience providing award-winning customer service to clients and providers alike. Headquartered in Salt Lake City with additional offices in Atlanta and Houston, and employs approximately 1,000 people between corporate staff and field clinicians and contracts with over 2,500 physicians across 60+ specialties and subspecialties. VISTA helps U.S. hospitals, medical practices, and government agencies optimize their physician staffing, ensure quality and continuity of care for patients, and maintain financial stability. As a leading provider of U.S. Locum Tenens and Permanent Physician Search Services, VISTA also operates VISTA Select, a first-of-its-kind technology and services solution utilizing advanced data and analytics to provide healthcare organizations with customizable workforce optimization solutions.