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Docs with Social Clout — VISTA’s Top 5 Picks

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Apr 9, 2018 9:00:00 AM

You don’t have to look hard to find a blog, Twitter feed or Pinterest board covering healthcare topics. Savvy doctors use social media to showcase their thought leadership, reach patients, expand their professional network and, yes, have some fun.

If you want to stay tuned into what like-minded professionals are sharing and discussing, or you’re looking for some inspiration to start or build your own social following (at a personal or practice level), this list is for you.

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Radiology in High Demand Again

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Apr 3, 2018 12:00:00 PM

In today’s healthcare environment, imaging is central to preventative care, diagnosis, and treatment. New imaging technologies can enable life-changing possibilities — but not without the necessary manpower behind them.

Not so long ago, the demand for radiologists was low. This was due to a large pool of residents in the specialty, suppressed imaging with the recession, and the growing use of teleradiology, which allows for the distribution of imaging studies nationally and even internationally. However, things have changed drastically in the last few years and even with teleradiology, demand for radiologists is back up.

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National Doctors’ Day is March 30th, 2018

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Mar 30, 2018 8:42:36 AM

Editor's note: This post was originally published March 30, 2016 and has been updated for accuracy and timeliness.

While many of those that work in the healthcare profession know that March 30th is National Doctors' Day, there is a lot that’s unknown about the origins of Doctors’ Day.

Doctors’ Day dates back to the 1930s when a physician's wife in Georgia, Eudora Brown Almond, had a luncheon to celebrate the important role that physicians have always played in the local community.

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Match Week 2018: What to Expect

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Mar 12, 2018 2:11:00 PM

Editor's note: This post was originally published March 13, 2017, and has been updated for Match Week 2018.

The Match is something every doctor remembers. Years of school, intense study and preparation lead to this moment when medical students learn where they will spend their next three to eight years or more in specialty training.

Match Week 2018 is around the corner, with Match Day on Friday, March 16th. To all medical students heading into Match Week — congratulations! No matter what happens, you’ve worked hard to get here and should be proud of your accomplishments.

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VISTA’s Favorite Medical Podcasts

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Mar 12, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Doctors don’t have a lot of free time, but they do need to stay informed and keep their minds sharp. In addition to continuing education opportunities and the day-to-day lessons of clinical encounters, there’s another place to turn to learn something new and helpful. Podcasts!  

Podcasts are a great way to absorb information at your convenience without investing your full attention. They’re also a smart way to spend time traveling to your next locum tenens assignment, on your daily commute, while exercising or out for a walk, with your morning coffee… the list goes on.

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IMLC Licensure Questions: Answers from a VISTA Licensing Manager

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Mar 5, 2018 10:00:00 AM

For physicians who want to expand their horizons and deliver care in different areas of the country, the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact can streamline the licensing process and allow you to act on locum tenens opportunities more quickly. The launch of the Compact is great news—for doctors and underserved communities alike—but it’s still fairly recent, and physicians have questions.

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What Your Significant Other Wants to Know About Your Locum Tenens Assignment

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Feb 13, 2018 10:30:00 AM

f you’re a locum tenens clinician, accepting a new assignment can be a big decision. Add in a temporary relocation for an extended locum tenens assignment, and the decision can get more complicated. If you’re married or in a serious relationship, you’re not the only one making it!

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Behind the Scenes at VISTA (Q&A with a Healthcare Recruiter)

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Feb 5, 2018 8:30:00 AM

We talk about the clinician perspective a lot on our blog. What about the healthcare recruiters who place them and ensure continuity of care?

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Topics: VISTA

National CRNA Week—How CRNAs Make a Difference, One Patient at a Time

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jan 21, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) across the country are celebrating the 19th annual National CRNA Week, January 21-27. Established by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), National CRNA Week was created to educate the public about anesthesia patient safety, questions to ask prior to undergoing surgery and the benefits of receiving care from nurse anesthetists.

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Calling Dr. Google! The Frustrations of Patient Self-Diagnosis in the Digital Age

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Jan 15, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Was there a day before Google was a verb and the answer to every question was just a search away? The Digital Age has put information at our fingertips. Unfortunately, not all of that information is accurate or useful, and when your search relates to your health, it can be downright dangerous.

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About VISTA Staffing Solutions

VISTA Staffing Solutions has over thirty years of experience providing award-winning customer service to clients and providers alike. Headquartered in Salt Lake City with additional offices in Atlanta and Houston, and employs approximately 1,000 people between corporate staff and field clinicians and contracts with over 2,500 physicians across 60+ specialties and subspecialties. VISTA helps U.S. hospitals, medical practices, and government agencies optimize their physician staffing, ensure quality and continuity of care for patients, and maintain financial stability. As a leading provider of U.S. Locum Tenens and Permanent Physician Search Services, VISTA also operates VISTA Select, a first-of-its-kind technology and services solution utilizing advanced data and analytics to provide healthcare organizations with customizable workforce optimization solutions.