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Is Your Agency Providing Travel and Housing Arrangements? If Not, Time To Switch!

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Dec 5, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Travel is one of the key reasons clinicians are attracted to locum tenens jobs. But even the excitement for travel opportunities does not eliminate the fact that making travel and housing arrangements can be a headache for locum tenens clinicians - consuming your time and causing you more hassle.

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How In-House Recruiters Can Help Physicians Ease the Burden of Student Debt

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Nov 28, 2018 9:00:00 AM

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the median medical school debt is $195,000, and nearly 46% of medical school graduates plan to enter a loan forgiveness program. Not surprising, many physicians struggle with the costs of education, and those with extreme student debt can expect to pay more than $2,000 each month for nearly 10 years.

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Four Questions Kids Have About Locum Tenens and How to Answer Them

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Nov 16, 2018 9:00:00 AM

If you’re considering accepting a locum tenens assignment, you may be wondering how being a parent fits into the mix. Guess what? Your children are probably wondering, too! The good news is that locum tenens jobs and family life are a perfect fit. Still, your kids may have some concerns - which is why we’ve compiled this list of four questions your kids might ask about being a locum tenens clinician. We’ve also provided answers aimed at satisfying their curiosity, while helping them to understand the many benefits associated with locum tenens work.

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VISTA Commemorates National Nurse Practitioner Week

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Nov 14, 2018 9:00:00 AM

The role of the nurse practitioner (NP) will be showcased November 11–17, 2018, as NPs across the country celebrate more than 50 years of practice during National NP Week. In the United States, this distinguished group of health care professionals number approximately 248,000 strong, with an additional 23,000 NP students graduating each year.

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7 Best Kept Secrets to Getting the Locum Tenens Position You Really Want

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Nov 1, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Looking to land the perfect locum tenens position? Even the most talented physician needs to take an organized approach if they want to find their ideal position. Use the tips we’ve provided below to improve your chances of standing out and landing the locum tenens position of your dreams.

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How to Earn Travel Rewards on Your Locum Tenens Assignment

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Oct 30, 2018 9:00:00 AM

With many reasons to love locum tenens work, you may not have even considered the potential benefits you can earn through airline and hotel loyalty rewards programs. But it can pay to take advantage of these perks.

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What Made Me The Most Nervous About Doing My First Locum Tenens Assignment

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Oct 25, 2018 9:00:00 AM

You've just landed your first locum tenens assignment. You're excited about this new opportunity, but at the same time, you're wary. You may ask yourself: “Is locum tenens right for me?” “Will I have a hard time landing back-to-back assignments?” “How will working locum tenens affect my career prospects? ”You have a lot of questions, and fortunately, many have gone before you who can answer them. Let's explore four common concerns that clinicians have when going on their first locum tenens assignment, and see what former and current locum tenens clinicians had to say about it.

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Flexibility to Stability: A Path Made Possible for One Doctor by Locum Tenens

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Oct 23, 2018 9:00:00 AM

The path to finding the ideal career can be a winding one, and Dr. Guo knows this very well. He started his education in computer science before heading to medical school. While there, he was referred to VISTA by a friend who’s done locum tenens work with us in the past. But it wasn’t until he received a few emails from a dedicated VISTA recruiter that he finally started down the path to locum tenens.

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5 Unexpected Benefits of Working Locum Tenens

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Oct 15, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Locum tenens is a way of practicing medicine that is appealing to clinicians in many stages of their career. It can help reduce certain stressors that may come with full-time roles. It also provides benefits to those who are just starting their career and unsure of where they’d like to practice long-term.

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Locum Tenens Life with Kids

Posted by VISTA Staffing on Oct 11, 2018 9:00:00 AM

“Family first” is a motto many parents live by, and it’s true for clinicians, too. After all, your family is likely the reason you work so hard. Unfortunately, it can often be challenging to juggle your career and family life, but locum tenens offers a family-friendly alternative to permanent positions by making it possible to choose the hours and locations that work best for you. If you’re looking for a better way to balance your work life with your family life, here’s a closer look at some of the benefits of working locum tenens with kids.

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About VISTA Staffing Solutions

VISTA Staffing Solutions has over thirty years of experience providing award-winning customer service to clients and providers alike. Headquartered in Salt Lake City with additional offices in Atlanta and Houston, and employs approximately 1,000 people between corporate staff and field clinicians and contracts with over 2,500 physicians across 60+ specialties and subspecialties. VISTA helps U.S. hospitals, medical practices, and government agencies optimize their physician staffing, ensure quality and continuity of care for patients, and maintain financial stability. As a leading provider of U.S. Locum Tenens and Permanent Physician Search Services, VISTA also operates VISTA Select, a first-of-its-kind technology and services solution utilizing advanced data and analytics to provide healthcare organizations with customizable workforce optimization solutions.